Author Topic: SHot the .44 SRH again today got odd results  (Read 1206 times)

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Offline .45 Kimber

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SHot the .44 SRH again today got odd results
« on: January 13, 2003, 05:45:44 PM »
Hi all

I shot my .44 SRH today at the range and good some odd results

At 30 yards the .44 special (Winchester cowboy loads--lead bullets) shot constant 1-1.5" higher  then the  .44 mag loads  (rem AMC 180 grain fmjsp)

Then at 50 yards  the .44 special shot .5" higher then the .44 mags

The groups were shot off sandbags in an indoor range.  The groups were all good by my standards with in 2"  and the mags where where  I was shooting just an about 1 high at 50yards

My question  is wouldn't the specials  shoot lower then mags  just based on power and the fact the specials were heavier bullets

No biggie just a question  the gun shoots like it should, it just the operator that needs more work

Rolex Dr.

Offline KYODE

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« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2003, 06:02:34 PM »
in a revolver like that a slower bullet will print higher on the target. the faster load will hit lower. the reason for that is the slow bullet is in the barrel longer and muzzle rise from recoil will have more time to raise the impact on target. hope i make sense with that.  :D

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SHot the .44 SRH again today got odd resul
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2003, 01:16:35 AM »
KYODE hit on the head. Think of it this way, if you take the same load, say your 44 mag load, and reduce the charge, it will print higher because it takes longer to get down the barrel and give it more time to rise.  KN

Offline Bullseye

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SHot the .44 SRH again today got odd resul
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2003, 04:28:58 PM »
So if I understand this correctly, my 357 Mag is shooting high and I have run out of sight adjustment, I need to go to a slower load so I have enough sight adjustment left.  Makes sense since I was using IMR 4227 and had enough sight adjustment but do not with Win 296 which is a lot higher velocity.

Well guys, I think you confirmed what I thought I knew, but did not know for sure.  Back to the IMR 4227.


Offline .45 Kimber

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« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2003, 05:59:53 PM »
Thanks guy

thats also why the light .38  shoots  better out of  my .357  

better because of user error


Rolex Dr.

Offline Tony D

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SHot the .44 SRH again today got odd resul
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2003, 04:47:19 AM »
Bullseye, no, you have it backwards.  If you are shooting high and your rear sight is all the way down, you need to go to either a faster or lighter bullet (or both.)  Look at it this way.  When you line your sights on the target, the muzzle of your gun is actually below your aiming point.  When you pull the trigger, the gun immediately starts to rise.  When the bullet leaves the muzzle, as long as you are sighted in correctly, the muzzle will be at the right  height for the bullet to strike your aim point.  If you shoot a faster/lighter bullet, the bullet will get out of the muzzle faster, not giving the muzzle the same time to rise to the same point as with the heavier/slower bullet, resulting in a lower hit on the target.

I had a similar thing happen to me this year.  I bought an 870 rifled slug barrel and some 2 3/4" sabot slugs.  (No need to beat myself up!)  With the rear sight cranked all the way down, I was hitting over 9" high at 50 yards - unacceptable.  I then tried some 3" sabot slugs.  They had the same slug weight, but were moving faster because of a larger powder charge.  I cranked the rear sight up a few clicks and after a few shots, had it shooting right where I wanted it.

Make sense to you?
Tony D ><>

Offline Bullseye

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SHot the .44 SRH again today got odd resul
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2003, 01:28:30 PM »
Dang it Tony, after re-reading the above post you are right.  I do have it wrong from what they said above.  But now I am really confused about why the slower bullet did just the opposite out of my 357.  Guess I will have to keep experimenting though because I have no use for a gun that does not have the sights adjusted so I will figure it out our sell it.

Offline Jose Grande

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SHot the .44 SRH again today got odd resul
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2003, 08:36:55 PM »
That phenom is called Dwell Time & yall have hit the nail on the head. :-)