Don, I have an AWA Peacekeeper in .44 spl and am very pleased with it. When I bought mine, the clerk at the store put a good scratch on the cylinder of a Longhorn he was showing me. Many people do the same because they are not familer with SAA mechanics. You bring the hammer to half cock to load or inspect the gun. When you are done, you must continue to bring it back to FULL COCK before you lower it. To do so will drop the bolt into the cylinder notch and you will have no scratches. If you simply lower the hammer from half cock, the bolt will rise at that time, then when you turn the cylinder to align it, you will leave a big scratch around the cylinder, which is what the clerk did. I showed him how to do it properly before I left and explained why he should do it that way. As for the cylinder base pin, you must determine if something is not letting the latch seat back down where it should or if the pin itself does not have a deep enough notch (probably the latter). If it were mine I would just file it deeper, but the best solution is to buy a new base pin from Brownells. They are not expensive and that should cure your problem (and get ride of the double notch / too long pin). Good shooting. 44 Man (NO, you cannot shoot heavier loads in your gun, but that is ok, 9gr of Unique under a 250/255 gr cast bullet will do anything you wish to do with this gun!)