Author Topic: need 480 ruger rh loads  (Read 602 times)

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Offline Gallahad

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need 480 ruger rh loads
« on: July 26, 2004, 12:41:08 PM »
I shot a box of hornadays factory ammo thru it, and although very accurat, the recoil is high, and my casings stick somthin terrible! I read somewhere that this gun was better suited to 400 gr. cast bullets. IVe found a good deal on 370 gr. cast bullets, and am wondering if anyone has had any experience with them? Ive got some h110 layin around too.  Im using this gun for whitetail, and bear protection.  No grizz by me, but I think 44 mag is just fine with the right load for keepin them at bay. Anyway, I would really appreciate any info!

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need 480 ruger rh loads
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2004, 03:22:56 PM »
Better check and see if your chambers are round. My son's had a few that weren't, and the factory loads almost had to be pounded out, not to mention lead spitting a bit. He sent it back to the Factory, and they replaced everything but the frame. It now works wonderfully,with both factory and hand loads. I load 25 gr. of H110 with a 325 gr. JSP for his. My revolver didn't have the case sticking problem. I load either 17 gr. of 2400, or 21 gr. of 296 or H110 with a CCI 350 primer and a 400 gr cast swc from an RCBS mold.
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Offline JohnK

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need 480 ruger rh loads
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2004, 03:17:27 PM »
You might enjoy this article: The .480 Ruger, in Perspective By: Glen Fryxell . Glen lists several loads from 370 to 400gr in his article.

I would also do as Bama Boy suggests and check the chambers. You shouldn't have to pound factory loads out of the cylinder. In the 480 the 325gr factory loads are just a starting point and shouldn't be pushing max pressures.