I have never triied pepermint extract and the reason is that it is concentrated and I dont know the correct mixture of water and suger(please try and let me know), but I have triied the little hard round kind, they don't work as good, although they do work...The pepermint I recommend is the large round soft stick red$white variety, all I can say is they melt in your mouth(when you suck on them they shrink)...they come in either round packs or tin cans, Next time I go to the store I will write down the name brands...I have got them at wal-mart, the dollar store, Cracker Barell, drug stores,various grocery stores,etc.
Apple juice works great. Every time I go hunting I take apple juice with me, works even better if you have a place to hunt with wild apples growing here and there, I have also planted apple trees in areas I frequent(with landowners permission) works great around natural "funnels"
Even if its illegal to bait deer in your area, it is not illegal to plant fruit trees or herbs. natural food sources are way better to be putting out on/in or Earth, plus just think about snagging yourself a good apple that you planted while out scouting :-)