Bias can cause ignorance (I hate spinach, although I've never tried it), and ignorance can cause bias (I don't know any black people, but I've seen them in movies).
When it comes to guns, it's sometimes hard to tell which came first.
In the paper, a side-bar in reference to the Democratic convention; a picture of a Kerry campaign button, clearly showing Kerry pointing an over-under trap gun, with elevated, ventilated rib, and adjustable comb. The caption described it as showing Kerry shooting a "hunting rifle, in the woods". Pure ignorance? Probably, but maybe it's saying that "hunting rifles" are OK as long as they don't look like an M16 or AK47? Maybe Kerry will allow us to keep our "hunting rifles" as well as our trap guns?
The same day there was good ol' Molly Ivins on her usual rant against Dubya, accusing him of not supporting the extention of the AWB. She said, "Just what we need in this country, more AUTOMATIC assault rifles". (my emphasis). Does she not know that the Clinton gun ban has nothing to do with automatic rifles (ignorance), or is she biased to the point of lying? In her case, I suspect the latter.