Howdy Dave,
Keep up the practice to 60 as its a FANTASTIC confidence builder and great for form reliance, BUT, Limit your shots to 35 at the most with that setup...You know as well as I do that 2 holes are better than one and from my experiance with Elk you wont want to shoot any farther than that..I do have a few bud's that have bow hunted Moose and they are in TOTAL agreement on the range with your setup as I have called and discussed it with them..They have all hunted and taken Moose and know what they are talkin about..Daren hit one at 42 and was tracking his for 11 hours before he finally caught up to it and had to put another arrow through it to put it down..The first shot just barely popped the lead lung..He was shooting at 72.5 pound draw with 30 inch draw leangth...11.5 grains per inch with 125 grain thunders...Now I know 5 or 10 yards dont seem like much but trust me brother it makes a HUGE difference in penetration..Best of luck too ya