Howdy all,
I don't post here often. I stood up for the Marlin folks with Greybeard, so I check in from time to time.. more when there is activity. I like the guns and I like discussion.
As for the issues, around with moderation and lack of moderation.. All I can suggest is that if each poster takes a moment to moderate his or her posting thoughts, then external moderation is rarely required. It is the angry or thoughtless post that requires the actions of a moderator. Given enough time and negative discourse, even the most free-wheeling location can be brought down.
Now.. another board I frequent has a sister site.. is mostly a gun-owners political forum. It does suffer a bit from "in-breeding" and could do with some new folks. It is lightly moderated (mostly due to name-calling). It might be of interest to those who feel displaced by the closing of the Shooters Lounge.
Just wanted to let y'all know about it.