Went to the range yesterday and busted about 150 rounds out of the 10" .44 Mag at 50 and 100 yds. Was just messing around trying to get the new Bushnell Trophy 2x-6x on the paper and get a feel for the gun, thus I was using CCI Blazer ammo (240 gr JHPs) I had lying around that I bought for plinking out of my Win 94 carbine. I had a great rest on the Caldwell bags, and the trigger is breaking at 2.5lbs. I HOPE that CCI Blazers were mostly at fault for the crappy groups I was getting.
As I was about to leave, I decided to shoot a few out of the 10" .22LR Match barrel as well. What a change going from the .44 Mag to the .22!!!
Anyway, this is only the second time I've shot the .22 BBL. The first outing was brief, probably only has 50 rounds if that thru it so far. The first outing I used CCI std velocity ammo and do not remember any issues with loading - put the cartridge in, easy to close the action.
Yesterday, however, I had CCI green tags on hand, and when I went to close the action, it was really tight. To closer examine, I opened back up and then closed the action to the point where I could push in the ejector all the way, then pushed the cartridge in, it was very tight pushing the last 1/8" into the chamber.
As I understand the 'match chamber' is of tighter tolerance than a standard. I could see the rifling markings on the bullet when I pulled the cartridge out all the way back to the brass rim.
I tried the same thing with a cci standard velocity round, same thing.
When I got home I brushed the chamber and bore pretty well, then tried again. Still tight, but much better.
Is this just the nature of the Match chamber, or is there an issue here?