Author Topic: Can anyone help me with 32 H&R loads?  (Read 476 times)

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Offline Pookee

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Can anyone help me with 32 H&R loads?
« on: August 03, 2004, 02:46:30 AM »
I found a 32 H&R Bull Barrel (thanks Danny!).
I have no idea where to even start with the loads.
I will be shooting the Field Pistol event.
25,50,75 and 100 yards.
I am willing to adjust my scope for the different distances.
Anyone know a good bullet, powder, primer combo?
Thanks in advance,

Offline neil

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Powder for 32 mag
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2004, 05:54:39 AM »
I have had very good luck with lil gun in my 32 mag with 100 gr cast.  I don't know anything about silly wet shooting but thought I would pass on the lil gun powder for the 32 mag

Offline Gregory

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Can anyone help me with 32 H&R loads?
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2004, 07:29:54 AM »
I believe the Contender 32 H&R barrel is a .308 bore, so keep that in mind if you're reloading.

I used to load for a Ruger Single Six Magnum 32 H&R but that used the .312 dia. bullets.

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Offline K2

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Re: Can anyone help me with 32 H&R loads?
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2004, 10:13:37 AM »
Hi Pookee

I think you made a good choice  :wink:

The 32 will work with most of the pistol powders from Bullseye to Blue Dot.  Unique is a favorite with many and is in the middle of the powder burn rate ranges of BE to Blu dot.  Stick with loading manuals for your starting loads and work up slowly watching for pressure signs.  .308 bullets work in the TC barrel but you may have issues with neck to bullet tension depending on the dies you use.  If you shoot .312 cast bullets keep an eye out for leading, though it might not be an issue.  90 to 115 grain bullets should be great for Field Pistol.  Do you already have some powders on hand?  If so which ones, maybe we can get you started in the right direction with stuff you have now.  By the way be careful when getting reloading info off the internet, we try to get things right but a slip up on a decimal place can be a big mistake.  Always double check with a loading manual to see if it sounds reasonable.  The hand you save may be your own  :D
Quote from: Pookee
I found a 32 H&R Bull Barrel (thanks Danny!).
I have no idea where to even start with the loads.
I will be shooting the Field Pistol event.
25,50,75 and 100 yards.
I am willing to adjust my scope for the different distances.
Anyone know a good bullet, powder, primer combo?
Thanks in advance,

Offline K2

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Can anyone help me with 32 H&R loads?
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2004, 10:48:09 AM »
Pookee has a nice burn rate chart on the site.  If neil has a good load with lil gun then there are probably 40 or more choices you can make powder wise that will work for you.  Lil gun is a tad slower than H110 and Bullseye is way fast!  some powders do not like to be used with less than a near full charge while others it is no problem.  A call to any of the powder mfgs often can get you a load where not listed in a reloading manual.  I have talked with several companies over the years and they are all very helpful.

Offline Blackhawk44

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Can anyone help me with 32 H&R loads?
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2004, 12:29:14 PM »
With the Contender's tapered bore, you can use either .308 or .312 bullets.  Your dies need two sizes of expanders.  Only loading for Rugers and S&Ws, I've found 800X to be a great all around powder.  These are found in Ken Waters' Pet Loads.  85gr Hornady with 5.5gr 800X and 100gr Speer or cast with 5gr 800X.

Offline MI-shooter

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32 H&R Loads
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2004, 02:22:54 PM »
I'll second Blackhawk44 data on 800X. My experience with lil gun is very consistent, all bad. Seems like it should work but showed signs of low pressure with a TC carbine barrel and 115gr .309 cast spitzer loads. AA#5 is also a favorite of mine. Your milage may vary though :wink:

Offline Pookee

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Can anyone help me with 32 H&R loads?
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2004, 04:08:45 PM »
I have some Hodgdon's Universal, Bullseye and 700X.
I heard Vihtavuori powders are the best.

Offline K2

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Can anyone help me with 32 H&R loads?
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2004, 07:41:00 AM »
Hi Pookee

Of the 3 powders listed I would start with the Universal if I were you.  Go to Hodgdon's site and they will most likely list max recommended loads for the .32 H&R for Universal.  As always drop down about 10% or so for a starting point.  If in doubt give them a call.  I have no experience with Universal but have heard good things about it.  Also the burn rate is very close to 800X and good things happen with that according to Blackhawk and MI-shooter.

On VV powders being the best, what works best for you is best regardless of the brand.  There are shooters in Silhouette that will tell you you need top of the line brass, powder, bullets, etc etc. for the game.  Fact is many shooters shoot top scores with cast bullets and mixed cases.  Do what you are comfortable with.  With the H&R you do not need a lot of velocity for the ram in HP, in general any accurate load that can make it to the ram will take the ram with the 32.  The HP Ram is 6 inches x 12 inches for the body.  Any load that gets you to 3 moa is 100% if you do your part.  You will hear that Silhouette is an extreme accuracy game.  It is an extreme long range game for handguns but a 3moa load will handle any of the standard silhouette handgun games.   3moa is better than most can hold standing anyway.  

Let us know how things go, good info in good to have  :wink:

Quote from: Pookee
I have some Hodgdon's Universal, Bullseye and 700X.
I heard Vihtavuori powders are the best.

Offline K2

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Can anyone help me with 32 H&R loads?
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2004, 08:44:46 AM »
Hey Pookee  :D

I saw your post on the tc classifieds and am curious on the match you fellows are running.  Sounds like you have gone the way a few of us are with straight wall only pistol cartridges the way Field Pistol was originally set up (no bottle necks allowed).  If you guys are interested in pursuing this further under a new assocition that believes silhouette is best when popular and popular means using the guns and calibers that most folks already own let me know!

Field Pistol is a hoot with .30 on up to .45 real pistol cartridges  :wink:

Offline Jim Stacy

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32 Mag Silhoutte loads
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2004, 04:35:18 PM »
For field pistol I liked 4.0/Unique/100 Hdy short jacket , does about 1100 or so . Trick is seating and putting a small crimp on the case to hold the bullet in place to be consistent. I have a strange 30 carbine die that reduces a 30 carbine excessivey, in my opinion, but theis die to hold the 308 bullet and a 32/20 full length sizing dir will bump the case mouth down enough to hold the bullet. You may try the remove the expander button trick to see if you sizing die will size the case enough to hold the bullet. Get this load set up correctly and mine would shoot one hole at 25 yards and pretty decent groups out to 100 yards. Good luck. Jim

Offline Steve P

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Can anyone help me with 32 H&R loads?
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2004, 03:57:05 PM »
5.0 grains AA#5 and 110 cast.  size .310  (yes, even in the .308)
6.0 Unique and Sierra 110 HP
10.8 AA1680 and RCBS 165 SIL.

Start low by 1.0 grain and work up in .2 grain increments.
Your primer choice will decide where you stop.
I use WWSP or Rem  small pistol  (1 1/2?)

Steve   :D
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Offline michbob

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Can anyone help me with 32 H&R loads?
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2004, 01:32:51 PM »
A load my gun likes is the Laser-cast 115gr FP over 4.0gr of Unique.  Out of and old Ken Waters Pet loads article.  Not the Laser-cast, mind you, but a 115gr cast bullet.


Offline bubba15301

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32 loads
« Reply #13 on: August 22, 2004, 06:34:23 PM »
try 2400 works well in my ruger bisley with 100 swc . i load around 8 grains. close to max so work up to it start around 7 grains.