For the reason I listed above I would take an ADL without a second thought, because as I stated the rifle will be a "Farm" rifle and will be packed along with an axe and chainsaw or two 5 gallon buckets filled with who knows what, or who knows what really....tractors,fields, and pretty rifles don't mix "most" of the time, take one look at the 336 that gets toted around on the farm and you will know why I said an ADL synthetic and also know why I don't want to sink the money I normally would into it.
I don't like Synthetic Stocks for two reasons: 1. Looks 2. When you use a sling for secure shooting a synthetic stock will bow down in the front causing your groups to vary as well as your zero, you can combat this by zeroing the rifle with the sling wrapped around your arm but when in the field its hard to put the "exact" amount of leverage on the stock so zero will be off anyway and the quick to shoulder freehand shots can be way off.
I do like synthetic stocks for 2 reasons: 1. Weight 2. The ability to still look good even with scratches.
I am not saying wood rifles looks bad with scatches, but there is a difference in "scratched while hunting" and "scratched while working"
Now on to my favorite part of the BDL, the hinged plate magazine. I can get away with the fixed box for this rifle because I will keep it loaded(but unchambered) all the time except when I will clean it of course , the 700 .204 hold 5 so keeping 2-3 in it at all times should not wear out the large spring anytime soon and if the fixed magazine was a problem a quick trip to the gunsmith could fix that.
All other times I would take a BDL but I hope I answered your question to your liking, if you are still sketchy on the reason why I would like the ADL over the BDL(for this specific purpose) please leave another post.