Don't even think about using a ruler or measuring tiller to the bowstring. its not worth doing.
If the bow came through with evenly matched limbs you can get real close to even tiller by just backing both limb bolts ot the same number of turns each.
I reccomend setting an even tiller first, then checking the ATA, BH, verifying the timing, and then setting the nock point above the arrow so that the arrow is 90degrees to the bowsting.
You really have to grouptune at different yardages to set the windage for the rest. Different combinations of draw weight and arrow spine may mean the rest will be left or right of center for the bow to be able to stack arrows on the same vertical line at different distances.
You can leave the arrow nocked at 90degrees to the bowstring.
If the arrow hits nock high you correct the tiller of the bow by tightening the lower limb bolt till the arrow hits level.
If the arrow hits nock low you correct the tiller by tightening the upper limb bolt till the arrow hits level.
Most bows will shoot a level arrow from the 90degree point on the bowstring if they are set at an even tiller.
Good luck hunting! >>>------------>
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