I took my 75 T to the local gunsmith (as mentioned in earlier post), he shimmed the trigger, cleaned up the inners, adjusted the spring (2# trigger pull) he could make it less, but said to try it that way first .... ...
Took it out to the range and at fifty yards with peep sights got some in the same hole and kept most in quarter to half inch zone. I was using some bulk Federal ammo, things tightened up when I changed to the PMC Scoremaster.
Being everything about the 75 Winchester is new to me....Here is some information you may already know. The gunsmith said the front band serves also as an aide to stabilizing the barrel. I had mine cranked down pretty tight, he said he set it about midway. He suggested that I try different adjustments when I want to fine tune it. I'm going to try some other ammo and band adjustments next time out.