Mr. crow_feather, I don't mean ta tell ya other powders is bad, but if'n ya really try a pound of swiss someday you'll know. sure, because it's so fast and clean you'll need to adjust some of the other stuff,,but man,, what a joy to use.
Try it. Give it the full benifit of actual hands on and the years of experiance you have ta hand. If yer using 3f in a .54,,then use 2f swiss and drop the charge by 15%, and expect a WAY different fouling pattern.
The stuff is "clean"! How do I know that? I tried it. I tried it like I was trying a new "load development",Like a new patch, or a new lube, or a new gun,,,,
I try different powders,,I learn from experiance, and I try to learn more all the tyme.
I don't shoot 5 tymes then make up my mind,,I'll shoot at least 1# just to try it,,,,,,thet might take 2 days
A lousey 20$ too try a pound and speak from experiance?? well ,,that's worth it too me. beats the heck out of "Don't ever change!","Cause that's what I know and nuthin else will ever work!!"
I'm not gonna blow my own horn about shooting well,,but buying a case of cheap powder just too shoot a bunch, ain't worth my tyme,,shot too shot accuracy is worth alot more too me than 40 rounds that are kinda close and better than most.
best wishes too ya,,really,,,,,