Author Topic: 5mm Ammo  (Read 641 times)

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Offline rockbilly

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5mm Ammo
« on: January 18, 2003, 04:51:59 AM »
I recently acqquired a Super 14 barrel in 5mm.  I would like to do a little plinking with it, but can't find Ammo at a reasonable price.  Last week-end at a gun show, one dealer ask $100. a box for the 5mm,  it looked like it had rolled around in the back of "Bubba's" truck with the emptys and other trash for the past year.

Does anyone know of reasonable source for this ammo?

Offline sjc1

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5mm Ammo
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2003, 05:12:13 AM »
There was some talk last year of the Old Western Scrounger having a run of it made. You could check that site at:
Most of the 5mm ammunition that I see goes for at least $50.00+ per box.

Offline Bornhuntin

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5mm Ammo
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2003, 05:18:19 AM »
There is no good supply of ammo floating around. The best price I have seen lately is around $65.00 a box. Aguilla was supposedly going to run a batch of million rounds and sell them through Old Western Scrounger. I have been on that waiting list for over a year. You better call and ask before ordering from their website.
I would not catagorize it as a plinker since ammo is not cheap or readily available. It does make a fine small game and fox gun. You might consider trading for a .17 HMR.
There are those that rechamber for 5mm Craig. Check it out
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Offline rockbilly

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5mm Ammo
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2003, 05:44:47 PM »
     Thanks for the reply.  Ain't no doubt, at the price of ammo the 5mm is not a plinker.  I picked it up in an acution at Gorman, Tx.  Bought the frame and 29 different barrels, 10 with scopes.  I also got ammo and dies for all the centerfires.  Just wanted to see if I could find ammo for this caliber.
     I'm going to give Old Western Scrounger a call and see if they are still working a deal to get ammo.  I talked to someone who said Remington will tool up and produce them if someome will order 5 million rounds.  If the price were half reasonable, I would take a couple of thousand rounds.

Thanks Again