Hi Jerry,
Well, my memory has failed me again! :oops: I double checked the twist on these rifles, it's 1-24", not the 1-32" I thought they were, so much for the comparison, looks like the only similarity is the short barrel and ignition. I did a google search and didn't find the twist rate for the white mountain carbine, maybe someone will check in and post the real twist for it, or you can check it with a tight fitting patch on a jag by running the patch to the breech and marking the ramrod so you can see when it rotates one half turn as you draw it out of the barrel, then measure the distance you moved it and double the figure for the twist rate. If the twist is in the 1-48" zone, it should shoot round balls good if the rifling is deep enough. The rifling on mine are real shallow, so I never tried round ball in em and the twist is too fast to allow for hunting energy with round balls as the ball will skip in the rifling and be inaccurate when pushed faster. I shoot that load because it's accurate in the rifles, 120gr being the max recommended by the mfr. and I hunted elk with em the last time I used em. I have 3 because my dad and son also hunt with em but wouldn't buy blackpowder guns, so I bought em for em to get em to hunt with me! If your twist rate is quicker than the 1-48", it should shoot the shorter heavy bullets just fine. It may just take some range work to find bullets and a charge that it likes. I would think that it should shoot the TC conicals fairly well, so if you have them, I would work up a load with them first. I'd start with 80gr 2f and work up in 5 gr increments, has always worked for me. Another option would be Powerbelt bullets, they shoot real good in my black diamonds and load real easy, are kind of a cross between a conical and a saboted bullet but are bore size. If recoil becomes an issue, I highly recommend the Sims Limbsaver recoil pads, they are the best pads out there and really take the kick out of heavy kickers. I have em on all my black diamonds and my 835 ultimag, they make a world of difference in recoil.
Good luck, Tim