Just for the record as far as powerful.Here is a breakdown and keep this in mind the 303Brit carries a bullet diameter of .311-.312 verus the 270win .277.Big difference on big game.Larger diameter ie larger frontal area means spreads initial impact over larger area thereby distributing the energy more rapidly.Also means larger entry wound and exit wound,which facilitate quicker blood loss and a quicker kill or at the very least easier tracking!
270Win 150gr 2850fps-2705fpe, Factory, Momentum:61, KO:16
303Brit 150gr 2700fps-2400fpe, Factory, Mom:57, KO:18
270Win 160gr Nosler 2765fps-2715fpe, Hodgdon, Mom:63, KO:17
303Brit 150gr Speer 2755fps-2527fpe, Hodgdon, Mom:59, KO:18
303Brit 174gr SP 2600fps-2611fpe, Cabela's, Mom:64, KO:20
303Brit 180gr Sako 2540fps-2575fpe, VihtaVuori, Mom:65, KO:20
303Brit 215gr SP 2235fps-2384fpe, VihtaVuori, Mom:68, KO:21
On big game it has a real advantage over the 270win anyway you cut it.I consider it a superior round to the 270win on larger game and you will also!
When I look to a medium round in the 270Win range.I choice the Win M88 or Savage M99 in 284Win.It will throw a 160gr Sierra SPBT at a blazing 2885fps-2955fpe,and also out shines the 270Win.Enforcer