Author Topic: Johnny Stewart  (Read 515 times)

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Offline vsd79

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Johnny Stewart
« on: September 10, 2004, 04:12:15 PM »
Have you guys heard anything about the Johnny Stewart PreyMaster Digital Caller. The guy at the Gander Mountain I went to made it out to be the next best thing in predator calling. Interested to hear your comments.

Offline Plumbrich

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Johnny Stewart
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2004, 02:05:26 AM »
I use the preymaster .I like the johnny stewert sounds more than most other sounds on the market..I love being able to play two sounds at once i think this is the best part.It fits in a small fanny pack easy to set up and plenty loud.For under 150.00 i dont think you can find one better.

  That being said i just ordered the fox pro with the long range remote. reason is i wanted something with out a cord.The new unit with the extra 40.00 cord i can hook it to my computer and down load my J.S cds in it.

 Bottom line to me is you want go wrong with a prey master.If you want a wireless unit you may wait for the J.S. Bushwacker to come out much cheaper price than the F.P. I was going to go this route But couldnt wait  (e-caller money burning hole in my pocket) I heard so much good stuff about F.P i would have ended up trying one sooner or later.
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Offline oso45-70

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« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2004, 08:13:19 PM »
There are a world of good callers out there, I would almost Bet that you like most of us will end up with a whole box of gadgets, calls, decoys,
howlers, squekers and on and on before you find the the mother load.
And to answer your question about J. S. calls from what i've heard they work fine. I chose the Fox Pro mostly because i happened to be reading the predator Rag and said to self, self you need to order that call..........end of story.

I like your bottom line and there is a good reason.
Good luck Guys and stay safe..........Joe.........

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