Went deer hunting today here in CA and while still hunting, heard a noise near a tree out in the field about 20 yards out .I went to investigate, thinking it might be a bedded down buck, and when I got close a wild cat jumpeds up into the tree and we had a stareing match for about 30 seconds before he jumped down and disappeared in the knee high dry grass. It was bigger than a bobcat, but smaller than a cougar, and had colorings almost like a tiger. This was the weirdest expience ever. Came home after and tried to find the cat on the net and cant find any wild catthat looks like this. Any body ever had an expirence likee this while on a local hunt? Anybody have any idea what kind of cat it could be? At this point any info would be nice. I think the next step would be to calFish and Game and tell them since this could be an endangered species