If you look at it, you'll have to admit it is sort of an odd design ... seems to have features you don't see on any other gun (the Peugeot of firearms). For instance, the barrel rides low in the front, UNDER the lug (which should be good). Also, the mag release is a button in the front strap, about where your middle finger would be. Also, I find it odd that the S&W model 41 was made both BEFORE and SINCE the 422/622 (422 being blue, 622 being stainless). Meanwhile, the general opinion is that it was a pretty decent gun ... not a match-winner, but a solid relatively-inexpensive plinker. I can't quite figure why they quit making it unless it was expensive to make, or it was being made under some licensing arrangement with another manufacturer and that arrangement fell through. More questions than answers. Peter F.