crosscut, those "KO'"s are "knock-outs" also. Keep looking for the MP's. If you can't find them let me know and I'll do some research for you. I think I have just recently seen some on a website for $1.79 or $1.97 a box of 5!!! The pity is living in this "peoples Rebublic of KerryKennedychusetts" we cannot buy ammo through the mail, I can't even buy muzzlelozding balls thru the mail!!!. An FFL dealer or gun shop can't buy thru the mail either!!! Only a "distributor" can, then they add a markup!!! Boy-oh-boy, do I feel safer!!! (NO!!!). Everyone get out to the polls this November, and if you going to be away at hunting camp, get an absentee ballot filled out!!!....<><.... :wink: