Thank you for your help. Questor, thank you.
May I explain myself a little? For a guy used to stumbling thru the hills and brush of Western Pa. under conditions that must be a whole lot...gentler... than what Alaska might be, well, a little learnin is in order.
And then there are those bears!
Now, there are long range, windswept, areas around here, to be sure, but most of the time, things happen close. 300 yards is long way out there!Paper targets and groundhogs taught me just how far that is, and how much can happen between me and them.
And then, there's those bears!
Delivering enough to a large animal at this kind of range is why I ask, your experiences are better than my opinions.
And then, there are them bears! Please don't think that I'm scared of bears. After all, lots of people go thru life without bear problems. Follow the advice of the outfitter or guide and use some common sense, right?
Seen a bear at the zoo once. He didn't like me and I didn't like him!
It's still that way........Woodbutcher