I live in southern Ohio and use mostly #3 double longsprings for fox and coyote trapping. The law says the the trap can not have an inside jaw spread greater than 5.625 or 5 5/8ths. Victor #3 dls's are within these guild lines and makes an excellent canine trap. I have used a couple of different materials for laminations, but the one I like best is old #2 victor square jaws. I just straighten them out and use vise-grips to form the steel to the #3 jaws.They don't increase the jaws by much, but help to strengthen the whole trap. I also base-plate and center swivel all of my canine traps. Offsets, IMHO, work great for coyotes in #3's, but are not very nice to red or gray fox and tend to break the bones. 90% of my #3's are rigged up with drags as I do a lot of my canine trapping on edges and have not had any problems with finding them after a catch is made. I posted on here before about the need to modify #3's and was told by Asa that it wasn't nessacary, but I just love to tinker with my traps. I'm sure there are guys on here that can also give you information on modifying your traps. Later, Worm.