I suspect the next time the folks in the ECC see me coming they will lock the electronic door. Kidding aside because of the number of formats that they deal with,(1) UTM, (2)Degrees Decimal Degrees, (3)Degrees Decimal aka(Degrees Minutes Decimal Minutess Degrees Minutes Tenths) and (4)Degrees Minutes Seconds one starts suffering brain damage. Normally the computer will display the given coordinates on a map and will automatically show the other formates along with the Township, Range, and Section. The problem is that these formats will place the location in three or four different places so it is critical that everybody is on the same page.
According to a document I was given in Region 5(CA, Hawaii, and Pacific Islands) any dispatches, fire locations, aerial ignitions plans, or anything that might need be located from an aircraft, degrees decimal minutes formate will be used. As always there is an exception when writing the coordinates for a Temporary Flight Restrictions. In the case of TFR's the Degrees Decimal minutes formate will be used without the signs. Confused! The document fails to mention what MAP DATUM to use.
My grandson and I stopped at the ECC today. It was on our way out to go plinking. I asked the NAD question of a couple of knowledgeable people but they could not provide an answer. But they gave me the name of the person who did the computer mapping working. I will be contacting him in the next week or so after the holiday.
I am starting to feel like a little boy asking mommy, "Why."