Kyode, as with all loads it is more where you put it than the bullet. With that said those Noslers expand very well. I have shot all three animals but the only one I have shot over 100 yds were deer. On the elk and bear as long as you put them in the boiler room they will do a number on them. Nice entry hole... no exit hole... mess inside. On deer they blow a pretty big exit hole if they hit bone. I don't know how well they would do if hit in shoulder on the bigger animals..with deer it does a number. I don't know what the velocities are but I got the load out of the TC handloaders manual and when I get home I could look it up. This load seems to hold its accuracy out to 200 yds where i can hit a 8" x8" gong at 200yds. I don't think would shoot at elk/bear at that range. The manual under the nosler section says that their 170 gr partition will also work reliably in the contender. I think next year I am going to work up that load and see how that one works.