Know the feeling Jay, and can say that you were doomed from the word go. Those full house stainless SSK's with the full length rib T'SOB and a scope mounted are a sight to behold - takes a strong will to walk away from them. Congats on it pard, and don't feel too bad about having 2. At one time I had 3 375's all at once just because they were so much fun to shoot and I kept finding such good deals that I had to keep buying them. I had a hard time figuring out which of the extras to sell first. I finally got back down to one, and when I went to replace it a few months ago to get one without a muzzle break, found not only a SS full rib T'SOB 375JDJ SSK without a MB waiting, but the same configuration in 257, 6.5 and 309JDJ's altogether as well. Yep, bought all four of those stainless monsters. Can we say BIG OUCH! Ate beans for months to pay for them, but they make an awesome set boxed with a stainless frame and Pachy's - turn a lot of heads out at the range when I open their case. Figure I am done buying JDJ's for a long time..... well, at least until I see the next one anyway. :wink: