Working in my garage this afternoon I caught National Public Radio's Weekend Edition piece with their "ethicist" Randy Cohen regarding the ethics of a woman using an inherited mink coat. Right off the top he says "I think we call all agree we should wear a new fur coat ...there is no justification for something so frivolous...." or words to that effect.
Here's the website you can give a listen: to raise hell with these goofs. Here in remote Alaska we have many idle young men who would love to be out earning a living trapping - but the anti fur people have ruined their markets. The same antis are trying to restrict the control of wolves too.
Is it any wonder so many of our young men self destruct in booze, drugs, and suicide when they see their most ready source of meat depleted by wolves and bears, one of their very few locally available economic opportunities crushed by a bunch of self righteous urbanites, who also do everything in their power to stop the only other reasonably close economic opportunity by blocking development of our oil and gas resources? Those same folks love to sit around sipping their wine and brie congratulating themselves for saving the environment and being culturally diverse and sensitive yet their actions and big donations try to freeze frame our village residents into what amounts to life in a museum with public welfare as one of a very few economic opportunities. Let me remind you that fish farms in Chile, Europe, Canada and the lower 48 have nearly knocked out the other main economic opportunity of commercial salmon fishing for many rural Alaskans.
In the mean time, if you go to local public meetings you'll hear elder after elder complain about the over abundance of beaver messing up salmon and white fish streams, as well as boat access to hunting a berry picking areas. You'll also get an earful about how the wolves are too numerous and moose getting scarce.
Let's give NPR an earful and get OUR story out.