I have a Ruger Mk II in stainless it much to shiny for my liking. So I had it bead blasted lightly but it did not help much. It took off some of the shine but it was still to brite.
So I decided to do a little experiment with acid. Most acids wont touch stainless. So I used Aqua Regia this stuff will dissolve gold. It's a mixture of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid. Old time gunsmiths used this with iron filing for rust bluing guns. I cut the mixture 1/3 with DI water. I then applied it with cotton ball to the metal parts of my rifle and allowed it to sit for 10 minutes. I then wiped off the metal with a heavy damp shop rag and reapllied the acid again allowing it 10 minutes to do it's work. I then rinsed it with cold water and baking soda. Then rinsed again with very hot water. wiped it dry and chased off the remaining moisture with WD 40.
The result a smooth surface with out shine and a soft gray color. The receiver is harder heat treated than the the barrel so it may require more treatment than other parts of the gun. I am very pleased with the outcome.
CAUTION : **** If you try this use heavy latex gloves, eye protection and do it in a well ventilated area ****
Also if you dont like the look it will polish out with a little elbow grease and coarse rubbing compound of the automotive type :-)