Author Topic: a little off topic here...  (Read 352 times)

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Offline TScottO

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a little off topic here...
« on: October 08, 2004, 04:04:24 PM »
I’ve known a few trappers over the years but have never had a real good chance just to sit and jaw with them. The trappers I have known all ways seem to know a lot about animals and nature in general, more in touch with the wild I guess you could say. I do wonder if any of you deer hunt and if there are tricks you have picked up through the years that help you to be successful in deer hunting that other strictly dedicated deer hunters are not aware of or do not use. I would think, in nature, all things tend to work together.

Thanks and Be Safe,

Offline Wackyquacker

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a little off topic here...
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2004, 04:51:04 PM »
T, I suppose there could be any number of differnt sorts of answers to your question and the usefulness of these will some times depend on your location as wellas the nature of the deer, Muleies, Whitetail, Cues etc.

Now one generic answer would be; that as trappers we return to the same (exact) location day after day and closely evaluate things.  To trap sucessfully you must consider all species not just the target critters, e.g., it doesn't do much good to make a trail set in a well used deer trail.  

I think, as a trapper, I have learned to fine tune my observation skills and through trial and error, come to better understand the way things work, especially on my lines and generally in my country.  Now, if I want to kill a nice buck, I just know where they tend to hang and move, simply, because I am out there day after day in some cases for 4 to 6  consecutive weeks.

I don't want to imply that I can go out and kill a buck every year, for, unfortunately, we just don't have many deer.  But boy howdy if you want a bull, that might just be another issue; if I can draw a tag.

Offline Asa Lenon

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a little off topic here...
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2004, 02:49:05 AM »
Successful whitetail deer hunting and canine trapping have a lot in common.  Location, pre-season research and an understanding of the animal's nature are #1 considerations so one knows correct set locations or correct positioning of themselves for an approaching whitetail.  Human scent reduction and general cleanliness are essential to harvest older adult species, unless one is satisfied with pup coyotes and spike horn bucks.  Those big 'ol bucks travel with their nose in the wind.  Therefore, one must position themselves taking into consideration the prevailing wind directions just like the advantage of the prevailing wind to carry the canine lure into the antricipated approach of the canine.  There is a lot more to both hunting wary whitetails and trapping wary animals than luck.  Both hunting and trapping require hard work and one's attention to details for maximum harvesting along with large mature hides and sizable antlers.:grin: Ace

Offline RdFx

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« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2004, 03:06:31 AM »
Yep to what Asa said, pay attention to details !   :wink: