this new winchester 1300 i bought two days ago is a great gun overall. fit and finish are good and the wood is beautiful, very nice overall.
but when i took it home to clean it as i always do with new guns, i wiped it down with rem oil and my white rag came off very orange. there was, as far as i could see, no surface rust and no pitting or even a mark on it.
is this rust? if so why? the number the clerk wrote down on my FFL form had a "2002" in the middle of it...perhaps its been stored that long in a box at the store. but why would it rust?
is this a bad sign for the rest of its "life" then if it is rust? will it get worse from now on or is this just a film from storage? or maybe even orange is the color of the cosmoline they used?
anyone have opinions or ideas? i had a remington 870 express with the matte finish which would do this regularly but it was only after one day my brother took it out when it was snowing and sleeting and forgot to wipe it down. there is no reason, IMHO, that a brand new gun as nice as this one is, should have rust AT ALL.