Author Topic: Rebarreling a Mauser with Rem. 700 barrel ?  (Read 1115 times)

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Rebarreling a Mauser with Rem. 700 barrel ?
« on: October 11, 2004, 04:24:39 PM »
I have heard of Mauser's being rebarreled with a Rem. 700 barrel
by  recutting the barrel threads.
How is this done ?
Do you cut off the threads and start over or or just start recutting over the original threads  :?  :? .
I was thinking of having this done as Rem. take off barrels are cheap.
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Offline John Traveler

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fitting Rem 700 takeoff barrels to Mauser
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2004, 04:54:10 PM »

Only the "small ring" mauser actions are suitable for fitting with a Remington 700 take off barrel.  The "large ring" Mausers actions require a larger barrel shank than the Rem 700 barrel uses.

This fitting requires a skilled machinist and lathe properly setup.  The old threads are cut off, the breach end is shortened, the
barrel shank is brought to proper diameter, and the shank is rethreaded for the 12 threads per inch Mauser.  Rechambering is sometimes required for proper headspacing.

The Rem 700 take off barrels may be CHEAP, but the work for properly fitting an action is NOT!
John Traveler

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Rebarreling a Mauser with Rem. 700 barrel ?
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2004, 08:38:24 AM »
Amen JohnT!!  The lathe work required usually makes a new barrel nearly as cheap..  if not a bit cheaper!  Depending on the barrel maker.
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700 barrel for Mauser
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2004, 12:35:50 PM »
I have made several of these mods on remington barrels.  They work well.  I  took a piece of mild steel about two or three inches long and bored a hole the right size and then ran a tap up inside it.   Next I turned the barrel threads off and rethreaded until the sleeve would screw onto the barrel.  Then using epoxy fitted the two pieces together.   When done right they will shoot very good and when blued the joint is hardly visible.  Lots of work and you couldn't afford to pay someone to do this mod.   But if you have lots of barrels laying around and time on your hands  it can be done.  Cheaper to buy a new barrel,  unless you can do the work yourself.  Don
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Rebarreling a Mauser with Rem. 700 barrel ?
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2004, 01:36:37 PM »
If it were my rifle, I'd go for the 'New" barrel as opposed to a 'take off'.  You might get lucky on the take off, buy more than likely you'll probably find a dog.  I say this because of the fact the the barrel's a take off.  If it was a good performing barrel, they why would it be discarded?  
Just an opinion, it's your money and definitely your call.  I hope that your choice provides the benefits you seek.

Offline Judson

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Rebarreling a Mauser with Rem. 700 barrel ?
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2004, 02:18:25 PM »
Check the Brownells catalog, you will find they offer both large and small ring Mauser barrels that are short chambered at very good prices.
  Short chambering means you need a chambering reamer but not a lathe to correctly head space these barrels.    Re threading a "take off" is a risky proposition at best, after all why was the barrel removed?    In addition to this very few factory barrels even come close in accuracy to those produced by barrel makers such as Shillen!
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