Dear Guys,
I have an old, relatively worthless, firearm with lots of rust on it. Part of the gun is regular iron, but part (the receiver) was originally in case colors (which I assume is called case metal?). At any rate, there are no case colors left, and it has large rust areas too. As a fun project, I am going to take the whole thing apart, clean it up, remove all rust, and re-blue it. (Since it is a small gun, I may use cold bluing on the parts.)
Question is: If I remove all rust and scaling from the case metal parts, can I re-blue these with cold bluing? In other words, will case metal "take" bluing?
If it won't take cold bluing, will it take a regular hot bluing job?
Thanks for all replies. (P.S.-don't worry, I am not ruining an antique.)
Best Regards, Big Paulie