This could be good, maybe not so good. My huntin partner for 30+ yrs and I got into black powder rondezvous many years ago, my wife expressed no interest, she's not the outdoors type, his wife on the other hand isn't either, but thought she would like to try it just for the fun of it after knowing the fun we had. After a couple camps she was hooked and unfortunetly, so were we! :cry: The extra work required in setting up a primitive camp to her liking was a real chore, it totally took the fun we were having and turned it into a lot of work for us. It also curbed the man stuff in camp, which wasn't too bad, but it took away from the total experience. Just a heads up for ya, Jerry. I'm not against women in the outdoors at all, but it takes a certain character in women for men to be out there with em and still have a good experience. Afterall, they aren't exactly just one of the guys. Having said that, I've hunted with some guys that didn't exactly add to the experience either. So, pick your huntin friends carefully and good luck to you and the ladies. :wink: YMMV