First off don't get an AR. You can get an AK, SKS and a decent .45ACP handgun for less than you'd pay for the AR. You can get a SAR1 or WASR for about $300 or less from J&G Sales, CDNN, SOG, CAI, FAC, Classic ARMS, Centerfire Systems, etc. You can get a Yugo SKS 59/66 or M59 for $100- $160, depending on grade the of rifle you select, from any of the above as well. You can get a Rock Island Armory hi-cap 1911 model .45ACP from Kiesler's Wholesale for about $300. Springfield 1911 WWII G.I. models can be had for about $350-$450 off As far as what to get? Since I've got all the above and had a chance to compare them over the last couple of years, I'd recommend a Yugo SKS and a Springfield 1911 model handgun. Both would be very reliable and accurate.