Author Topic: cleaning a old rifle without destroying the character or vau  (Read 807 times)

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Offline pistolero

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cleaning a old rifle without destroying the character or vau
« on: January 19, 2003, 11:08:08 AM »
:lol:  :wink:

I was given an old  .32 winchester special to "Restore". I told the owner that I wouldn't touch the rifle in any way to destroy its character, but I would clean it  throughly, thus leaving  the antique value.

What is your way of cleaning it to look nice?  I have been told that olive oil is best with a lot of elbow grease.... It seems too slow... how about a work over with windex and a rag?

What do you suggest as the best way to get the job  done?


Offline Kurt

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cleaning a old rifle without destroying the
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2003, 09:07:37 PM »
I wouldn't use windex or any other detergent cleaner could be acid, whatever. Hoppes 9 & Cotton canvas, some say ultra fine steel wool, but that can take off blueing, be carfull and use good light. Follow with good gun oil.

Offline The Shrink

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cleaning a old rifle without destroying the
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2003, 02:58:14 AM »

It depends on the condition of the metal and wood.  If you have a lot of loose rust to remove, I'd not go more aggressive than WD40 and burlap, or Kroil and burlap.  If you have mostly good blue, all you need is gun oil and cotton cloth, or maybe a lighter oil and cotton cloth.  This will remove dirt and gunk while preserving the finish.  If it's really dirty, rub it down with Hoppe's to clean.  I wouldn't use any chemical more aggressive than this.  

Oil the stock with boiled Linseed oil, a coat or two until it stops absorbing it.
Wayne the Shrink

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Offline marlinman93

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old guns
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2003, 06:17:46 PM »
When cleaning old guns I start with Hoppes #9 and clean all the metal. Then any rust spots are individually addressed with the edge of a penny. The soft metal in the penny will remove rust, and the copper color will clean right off with 0000 steel wool and more Hoppes.
 Then I clean the wood with any good furniture cleaner/polish. Rub it good with a terry cloth towel, and then get some MinnWax paste wax. Rub the wax into the wood, and metal surfaces with your fingers. Let it dry, and then buff out all the wood and metal with a soft terry cloth towel. Keep using a new area of the towel as wax builds up on it.
 You'll find your old gun much improved with this simple clean up and polish.
 Hope this helps!
Ballard, the great American Rifles!