BKLs are fine rings, but in this instance I found them too high, the comb on that stock is just so much lower than I was used to. BKL is planning to make some lower rings, you might check with David to see when they might be available. Of course, you might decide the height is fine with the normal 0.75" ones. It's just what you get used to.
My 1712 shoots most ammo I've tried fairly well, but I didn't like the Wolf MT as well as in all of my other rifles. The Wolf ME does good. It does seem to shoot all Eley very well, again different that a couple of my rifles! So try the cheap Practice (Trainer) that Champion Shooters has at the moment and see how it works (get a couple of bricks first). Then for the ultimate try some other stuff too.
Work on your schedule so you can make down to the Southern Nationals (LA.) in June '05. I'd enjoy meeting you finally.