42" green mt. barrel, Carolina style poor boy, deer antler buttplate, and sideplate, large siler flint, no brass, only iron thimbles, no nose cap, built for fox squirrels in Michigan shoots a 90 gr. .390 round ball, .015 patch, cut at muzzle, 30 gr. of FFF since I moved to Wyoming, I use it for cottentails.. head shots only.. winter fun. I prelube my ticking strips with 50/50 mink oil shoe dressing, and goop handcleaner.. since our temprerature is mostly below zero, this mixture gets a little soft for summer shootin, go back to wonderlube... I bought a case of it before they discontinued it sometime in the late '80's... it is so dry here, that the pan stays dry even after shooting several shots.. one place I hunt bunnies is within rifle shot of the original rendevous Green River, in the 1830's... camp site... best wishes..Les