:grin: I have a .45 and .50 barrels for my Encore, I had the .50 out yesterday and would not have a problem out to about 200 yards. That would be the limit though. The .45 was not as accurate as I would have liked and I sent it back to TC and they said I will be getting the new 1 in 28 twist. We'll see. I was shooting 1.5 inch groups with MMP sabots and 300 gr. xtp with 120 gr 777 ffg. I have found that the ffg leaves less of a crud ring than fffg. The MMP sabots will also take whatever pressure you put them to. They were the ONLY sabot that held up to the pressures generated by the Savage muzzleloader that I had that used smokeless powder. Smokeless generates twice as much pressure as black or pyro. I also shot the last 10 shots without cleaning as I broke the jag off my rod early in the session by being stupid. The last 3 were the 1.5 inch group. The ones before were sighting in the scope so no group was shot till then. The .45 I had to clean after every shot with the fffg or I couldn't hardly get the sabot bullets or powerbelts down the bore. It would do no better than 6 inches with either Tc sabots or powerbelts. All were shot at 100 yards.