Author Topic: Ring Height  (Read 362 times)

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Offline Curly

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Ring Height
« on: November 07, 2004, 07:56:01 AM »
Sighting in a Rem 700 that had a Leupold VXIII 3.5x10 with a 40 front objective.   Feels fine, and sight picture is okay.    Looking at the Leupold catalog, they suggest low rings, but the gunsmith installed mediums.   Is there any reason for a change?   My calculations indicate that there is about an 1/8 inch in height.    This will leave my power ring almost sitting on the bases which are dual dove tail.   Will it lower the scope to the point of worrying about the bolt hitting the rear bell.     .270 is caliber, so recoil is not extensive.    Probably overanalyzing, but if anybody can verify if the low rings work okay, and should I consider switching.    Thanks in advance for the help.

Offline Steelhead

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Ring Height
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2004, 11:07:27 AM »
If your sight picture is ok then don't worry about it. When you bring your gun up and have to raise your head a bit to get the sight picture then you would probably be better served with low rings, but remember everyones mediums and lows aren't all the same.
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