darn good for first time out. dont mix up the drilled cases with the others or you see groups go south.. black powder has good days and bad days.. some strange things can make groups good or bad.. your rest setup could be a little different next time and the long barrel time may make you suffer until you figgure it out. ive just learned that good loads are tested over many sessions to make sure they are not a quirk. if you keep working on it youl be under 1 1/2 inches at one hundred, if you have good sights.. i test loads at 25 yards, that way you dont have lighting, wind, and eyes couseing groups to widen.. and its a lot qicker and less running up and back and waiting for other shooters.. just my way. differnent poweder amounts of powder , different primers, different expanders, different crimps, differnt seatting depth, dieffernet sizer sizes can make a difference, with all that going on youl be buisy.. i use two sets of dies one good one and the other to test new loads.. when the second die set shots better that is my number on die set, and the other is the test die set.. weigh cases, clean with media or brush to get residue out, weigh bullets and sort, weigh powder in the same amount your measure shows for volume to average that can of powder out.. shooting style is very important do not steer the gun as the long barrel time will hurt accuracy.. steering is pulling the gun other than strait back into your shoulder with either hand.. good luck dave..