I finally remembered to take a tape downstairs and measure mine. I have an unfinished basement, so space wasn't a major issue.
My bench is 8 feet long, 30" deep and 32" high. I used 2X4 spruce as a framing material, and topped it with 3/4" plywood and a linoleum top. I tied it into the studs behind and the floor to make it solid. It has a lower shelf for bulk storage, and I also have a metal shelving unit for other storage.
I have my CSP II (with mounting base) mounted on the right hand front end, and my core cutter "around the corner" on the end. I have my cannelure tool on the left hand end. In the centre, I have mounted my mitre saw for cutting off tubing, and on the left I've set up my annealing/core-bonding station. Along the back (toward the right of the bench) I have several metal cabinets with plastic drawers for storing my samples, dies and punches.
I've also set up a workmate with a grinding wheel and vice mounted for halving bullets, and any other special jobs I may need done.
For lighting, I installed 3 double fluorescent fixtures, and I've provided 3 wall mounted (above the bench top) electrical outlets for anything I may need.
I have a completely separate room set up for reloading. I have two "C" presses mounted on an old solid wood (2" top) table with shelving all round.