The misinterpretation that just transpired here proves two things:
1. Politics is definitely an inflamatory subject.
2. It is much easier to misinterpret the written word than the spoken word. Emoticons simply cannot compete with inflections in tone, or facial expressions.
I've learned to be tactful when posting at forums in an effort to avoid creating hard feelings, but sometimes even this doesn't work. The following admission is a prime example of this:
I reluctantly voted for George W. Bush, not because I'm convinced he is the answer to our prayers, but because John Kerry would have probably supported the reprehensible effort of amoral liberals to bash my Christian convictions. Traditional Christians aren't PC, you know. We're horrid, intolerant "fundies" who believe in the establishment, and lawful maintenance of order (God's way) as opposed to decadent chaos (Satan's way).
If anyone finds my rationale on this matter offensive, please be advised that I could NOT care less. I don't compromise my convictions for the sake of friendship, or anything else.