First, I want to thank Mrs. GB very, very much for a wonderful forum. You've listed some great sites with information available online.
Second, I'd like to add another site - NARA. The URL is . NARA is the National Archives and Records Administration. The site has a good genealogy section and helps you find out which microfilm you'd like to have your local library rent. It lists all the microfilm numbers for all the census as well as ship's passenger lists (emigration). Through NARA, you can also get the forms for obtaining military records of your ancestors - Revolutionary War through Vietnam, I believe (I've used it to get records for Butler's Civil War ancestors)...after WW1, you can only get records if you are next of kin.
Third, I guess I need to ask Butler to show me how to get in using his profile or get one of my own! HaHa! I had tried to get on earlier, but it wouldn't let me...sorry to be so late adding my two cents.
Thanks again, Mrs. GB!
Mrs. Butler Ford (Deb)