weather hasn't been much fun for me here either. I just started making sets day after Thanksgiving, and first check following saturday had a fox, a coon, and 12 rats. And, of course, a ton of snapped traps too. I was in such a hurry to get some sets out that I must have got sloppy in my bedding.
I reset everything with dry dirt...then it rained about an inch Saturday night and froze hard over night. Some of those sets I had to literally stomp on to get to fire. I reset everything in dry dirt again...then it snowed most of Sunday. Haven't had chance to check yet today but hopefully tonight. The #110s in the rat runs are performing real well...but its a lot of fun breaking ice and slogging through mucky backwater silt to get to the active huts on the upper end of the two lakes I'm hitting. My butt is sooooo sore from using muscles I'd forgot I had. Then to top it off, I think I'm getting a doozy of a sinus infection, too.
Oh yes, the new truck has now officially lost that new truck smell too. The Mrs. even "lit a candle" in the garage after I had pulled in after my first check. I thought it smelled like fox and rats...she thought it stunk like something else. Oh well.