Congrats to both of you, wish I could have been there. There is nothing like being there for a kids first deer (or whatever), I was with both my sons when they killed there first deer and I don't know who was happier them or me, I've also been there for several of my friends kids first deer (if you ask they WILL let you borrow them) and every time it takes me about a week to stop smiling. A friend of mine's dad brought a 16 year old great nephew with him one time who had never been deer hunting and didn't have a gun, we fixed him up with all the stuff that he needed and I went with him (he was using my favorite rifle) well he killed a big doe and he was so happy that after I showed him how to field dress it we got a picture of him kissing her on the nose (I laughed for a week) Now if I can just find a kid who hasn't killed his first deer to take hunting this year I'll have another great year. Keep up the good work. rugerman