Season opened on Thanksgiving day.
Friday morning I was still hunting and jumped a deer about 40 yards in front of me. The wind was right so I figured at worst he saw and/or heard me. He stopped after about 15 yards, and I could just make out pieces of him through the brush. I made a few sounds on my homemade call and waited. After about 10 minutes the deer moved closer, I could make out what looked like a 4-6 point rack. After a few minutes he wondered off.
I again waited for 20 minutes then circled wide about 100 yards and dropped my butt next to a tree. About 20 minutes later here came the same buck. This time he got within 40 yards, after feeding for a few minutes he wondered off towards the edge of a grass field, and appeared to bed. Well I waited again, then circled out and around slowly, I hit the overgrown field edge and easied along. As I came around a pine, there he was, bedded not 25 yards from me. I saw him a second or two before he saw me. He then rose, took a looooooooong look and off he went.
This morning, not 15 minutes after entering some woods, I again found myself with my butt planted next to a tree, "pondering" things for a few minutes. Here comes a different buck, a good size 6 point, nice and chubby and looking tasty. He walked the SAME exact trail I had come in on. He finally stopped 18 steps from me. He then realized something wasn't right, but he stuck it out for about 15 seconds, then turned a started back from were he came. I hit my deer call again, and he again stopped and looked back, he was lined up perfectly in the crosshairs. Then I just said BANG, and off he rambled.
So far I have done everything wrong. I haven't worn ANY camo, no super secret scent lock, no advance formula Skunk Acorn Scent in Rut, hell no tree stand, no pop-up blind, no ground blind. Heck I was even carring a silly 7x57 with a 3x scope on it.
Could you imagine what I could have done with all the cutting edge scents, camo AND some type of WSM with a scope bigger then a Chrysler Imperial?
You would think that someday I would do it the right way, until then I guess I will just, what is it called...... .........., Oh yea HUNT.