Author Topic: anyone handload for 348 win  (Read 938 times)

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Offline Ct Kid

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anyone handload for 348 win
« on: November 29, 2004, 03:02:28 PM »
Just getting ready to handload for lever action for the first time. Have handloaded for bolts for more than a few years( no problem's yet).Any pointers on what to look for in the lever actions. thanks

Offline Dand

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yeah there's a few of us 348 fans
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2004, 07:51:18 PM »
'bout a year ago Brushbuster and I were busy exchanging cast load data.  I've kinda tapered off on the 348 due to family obligations but Brushbuster just  emailed me that he's been working on some 200 gr cast bullet loads.  A couple other contributors have alot of 348 experience - surprised they haven't chimed in yet.

A few things I've found is that some of my newer Barnes Original 250 gr bullets have the cannelure slightly farther back than some 15 yr old samples and I had to reset my seating stem and crimping set up - I use the Lee collet crimper.  I had some loads jam on me last spring when I was tesing.  Cases like to stretch so I trim regularly, watch case length, and base separation signs carefully.  AND I try not to go for max loads to ease wear and tear on the brass and rifle.  I have mostly worked with IMR, and H 4831, IMR 4350, 4895, 3031, AA 3100, and some work with Reloader 7.  I think Brushbuster is having very good luck with Rel 19 (63-65 gr)  and 200 cast bullets.  He took a moose with some Win 200 gr jacketed factory loads last year and a deer with a cast bullet this year.  He's been real pleased.  Barry - you watchin' this?  

Brushbuster is much more orderly than I with data etc.  I'll encourage him to come up on this forum.

My preference is for 220-250 bullets but the only animal I've shot with the 348 was a fair size bull caribou with 2 rounds of 180 Hawk bullets at about 0 to -10 F.  At 60 yds I had to hit him twice in the shoulders to put him down.   I think my load was a bit too mild and shot placement could have been better.  

I was playing with some Barnes X last Feb but right now I don't recall specifics other than accuracy was normal.  The Hornady 200 gr bullets are fine too but I like heavier as I live in remote Alaska and moose, caribou, and  brown bear are the available game.  I carried the 348 some this fall but didn't come across any game when I did.  With a lot of open tundra, I tend to grab my 300 win more often, especially when the freezer is bare.

I get happy with 2.5 inch groups or less at 75 yds as I don't do well with the iron sights. I sould go to a flat black front post - would help me a lot.  I like the Lyman rear peep.

Well that's off the top of my head.  I have some data including my chronograph work.  Have wanted to get back into testing and working with this gun this fall but weather and other duties have conspired against me.

HTH,  I'll bug Brushbuster to come up on here.  Good to have another 348 brother out there.
NRA Life

liberal Justice Hugo Black said, and I quote: "There are 'absolutes' in our Bill of Rights, and they were put there on purpose by men who knew what words meant and meant their prohibitions to be 'absolutes.'" End quote. From a recent article by Wayne LaPierre NRA

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anyone handload for 348 win
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2004, 05:26:09 AM »
Greetings Ctkid:
There is a great deal of interest out there in loading for the .348 Winchester. I got great help on this forum when I initally started handloading for that specific cartridge. I've learned a lot, but there's a lot to know! Consider me a student like yourself.

Even though the .348 is primarily a short range brush rifle, it is best to be a little specific about what you would be trying to accomplish with it. Are you hunting deer, moose, elk etc. or are you just trying to do your best on paper? Can you handle heavy recoil? do you intend to use cast or jacketed bullets?
Maybe you could help get things started here by letting us know a little about your requirements and hunting conditions. One thing for sure, you've got one heck of a fine levergun there, and the more you work with it the better it gets!!
Struggling every day, to hold onto what I took for granted yesterday.

Offline Ct Kid

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anyone handload for 348 win
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2004, 11:34:28 AM »
BrushBuster and Dand, Thanks for the interest.First would be deer then paper and hopefully a pig in the future. Would be under 100 yards.Just looking for basic knowledge about reloading, powders and jacketed bullet selection.Also want to put a simple but effective rear peep sight on and a square post up front.Any recommendations on the rear peep. Thanks

Offline Dand

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« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2004, 01:37:47 PM »
I much prefer to work out my loads on paper before trying for game. I want to be reasonably sure my load and my shooting is sufficiently accurate.

For deer I think  the Hornday or Hawk 200 gr would be fine, Barnes 220 would be fine too.  Even the Hawk 180 mght be ok, but after shooting a caribou with the 180, I prefer heavier next time.  Heck, as Brushbuster will tell you, 200 -250 cast will work fine on a deer in reasonable range.

For pigs, from what I read I'd go with heavier bullets - Barnes X or 250 original, or Hawks with a stout jacket.   The Hornady might be ok - maybe someone from pig country will have an opinion.

I agree with a square post - don't know where to get one though - might have to fabricate one.  My gun came with a Lyman peep (66?)- haven't checked but I'd think a Williams Fool Proof would be fine too.  For target work I got a fine, target aperture from Midway. For hunting I either remove the aperture, or I use a large aperture, "ghost ring" like Brownells sells - can't remember the opening size.

Brushbuster seems sold on Rel. 19, and it gets good write-ups for the 348 - I just can't buy any where I am - sure wish I could it sounds great.  I have been happy with some IMR 4350, H & IMR 4831, and IMR 4895 loads.  I'd have to dredge up my log book for details.  Brushbuster is much more up to date on loads.

What I want to do is get a replacement butt stock and mount a limbsaver pad on it.  My gun is an original Win and I don't think I should saw off the Deluxe stock - but that steel butt plate isn't fun for long term load development.
NRA Life

liberal Justice Hugo Black said, and I quote: "There are 'absolutes' in our Bill of Rights, and they were put there on purpose by men who knew what words meant and meant their prohibitions to be 'absolutes.'" End quote. From a recent article by Wayne LaPierre NRA

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some 348 data - BE CAREFUL _ USE at your own risk.
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2004, 01:49:46 PM »
some 348 data - BE CAREFUL _ USE at your own risk.

I found an old email I sent to Brush Buster.  Maybe this would be helpful.

Test day was March 5 2004 afternoon about  3 pm to 5:30 pm.  Temps about 25-30 F,  very light breeze that died by about 4:30.
Bright sunny with high sparse clouds.  The chrono screens were set so the instrumental velocity is about 15 feet from the muzzle.  I ran 2 fouling shots with 190 gr cast gc bullets through the gun to warm up the barrel and clear out the oil etc.  
BTW my gun is the Win 71,  24 in barrel.  All testing today 3-5-04 was at 75 yard target, using a new Williams aperture of .05?? whatever the smallest opening is - shot at standard 25 yd slow fire pistol target.
load 1, test order 1  
    3-5-04 (loaded date)  59 gr H 4831 std not short cut,  250  gc Custom Cast Douda, CCI 200,  WW case trimmed to min, Lee crimp 4 rounds only - one bullet shaved a little on loading - didn't have expander die adjusted deep enough.
chron 3-5-04, 4 shots, 2013-2028, 15 es, 2021 avg, 6 SD
3 shots TOUCHING  4th shot spread to 4+ inches.  easily  able to increase - High accuracy potential if I can keep consistent sight picture.  I'll enclose a scan of this test target.  Could be good hunting load too. I doubt I could do this regularly but I might try.
load 2, test order 2
  3-5-04 (loaded date)  60 gr H 4831 std not short cut,  250  gc Custom Cast Douda, CCI 200,  WW case trimmed to min, Lee crimp 4rounds only.
chron 3-5-04, 4 shots, 2035-2095, 60 es, 2061 avg, 25 SD   not as consistent as 59 gr,
I think I was flinching badly - horizontal stringing of 8-9 inches but vertical dispersion of only 3 inches and slightly higher than test 1 on target.  Work up from 59 by .25 gr if seek more vel.  
load 3 test order 3
  11-30-03 (loaded date)  59 gr AA 3100,  250  Barnes Original, CCI 200,  WW case, Lee crimp, seated to OAL of 2.785",    6  rounds.
chron 3-5-04, 6 shots, 2144-2189, 45 es, 2161 avg, 17 SD
impacted target a good 6-8 inches above 250 gr cast loads in 1 and 2 above.  Good accuracy potential, was having trouble with consistent sight picture ( bright snow and sun, black target, some heat mirage on barrel).  Group was about 3 inches.
load 4 test order 4
  11-30-03 (loaded date)  62 gr AA 3100,  220  Barnes Original, CCI 200,  WW case, Lee crimp, seated to cannelure, 3  rounds.
chron 3-5-04, 3 shots, 2270-2321, 51es, 2293 avg, 25 SD  
impacted target ~ 2 inches above 250 gr Barnes loads in 3 and 4 above.  approx 2.5 group Good accuracy potential, faster than 250 gr less kick, would be nice to have more consistent vel.
load 5 test order 5
  11-30-03 (loaded date)  63 gr AA 3100,  220  Barnes Original, CCI 200,  WW case, Lee crimp, seated to cannelure, 3  rounds.
chron 3-5-04, 3 shots, 2284-2348, 64 es, 2326 avg, 36 SD  
impacted target ~ 2 inches above 250 gr Barnes loads in 3 and 4 above.  approx 2.5 group Good accuracy potential, faster than 250 gr less kick, would be nice to have more consistent vel. but last shot had sat in warm chamber  a little longer (3-4  min?) than most so may have had some effect there.  Need to consult book to see if I can increase - I like loads with a little more consistency.   If can't go up, go down a little.
load 6 test order 6
  9-5-93 (loaded date)  52 gr IMR 4895,  200  Horn I, CCI 200,  WW case, Lee crimp, seated to cannelure, 19  rounds.
chron 3-5-04, 5 shots, 2383-2455, 72 es, 2415 avg, 32 SD   again last shot sat in hot bbl for 3-4 min
impacted target ~ 2 inches above 250 gr Barnes loads in 3 and 4 above.  approx 3 group  Fair to good accuracy potential - much milder to shoot than heavier bullets.
My records show I've played a bit with IMR 4895 since 1990 and was settling on 52-53 gr with the Hornady bullet as an acceptably accurate (3 in or less at 75 yds) caribou round.  
Here is some older data:
12-23-90 (loaded date)  53 gr IMR 4895,  200  Horn I, CCI 200,  WW case, Lee crimp, seated to cannelure, 3  rounds.
chron 1-12-91  (-20 F brrr), 3 shots, 2378-2442, 64 es, 2402 avg, 33 SD  No record of group - probably not great. Too blasted cold for testing - note velocity compared to 3-5-04 test 6. Its likely that in 91 my screens were closer to the muzzle too  maybe 8 foot instrumental- I usually had a blast screen to shoot through back then. Subsequent loads have been in the 52 to 52.5 range with groups in warmer days of about 3  inches.
10-26-91(loaded date)  52.5 gr IMR 4895,  200  Horn I, CCI 200,  WW case, light Lee crimp, seated to cannelure, 5  rounds.
chron 9-4-93  5 shots, 2424 -2460, 36 es, 2441 avg, 18 SD   nice Vel, nice consistency, note temp was likely in +40's to +60's or so and note velocity compared to -20 F. No record of group but I see I went to 52 gr IMR 4895 when I reloaded the next day.
Getting late for lots more details but I see I experimented with H 4831 and the 200 Horn, WW cases, CCI 200 primer.  I tried 61, 63.5 and 64 gr.  Avg vel  for 3 shots at 25 F was In same order - 1998, 2104, 2134.  I noted that I didn't like the accuracy of 63.5 and 64 gr.  Used RCBS die crimp
C 2.
Later tested 5 rounds of 61 gr IMR 4831, 200  Horn,  Win 120 primer, Rem case, mild Lee Crimp - @ 30F 2155-2194, 39 es, 2175 avg,  14 sd. fair accuracy but I've never tried IMR 4831 again - wonder why now.  Maybe I should look again, but I suspect I was hoarding that powder for my 300 win.
Chrono 3 NEW Win factory 200 gr loads  on 7-26-92  (likely 50-60+ degrees)  2418-2453,  35 es, 2435 avg, 16 sd  
NOTE ALL THESE 3 AND 5 SHOT VELOCITIES ARE MIGHTY SMALL AND STATISTICALLY NOT VERY VALID -    but they tell me ball park velocities and consistency.  Too expensive to run the full 5 tests of 5 shots each.
Chrono 3 Ancient Win factory 150 gr loads  on 7-26-92  (likely 50-60+ degrees)  2559-2640,  81 es, 2610 avg, 44 sd  
As I am getting back in touch with this gun and cartridge I come up with some thoughts, that I think I had when I was first busy with it in the early 90's.   For fun shooting with this, a light kicking cast bullet load in the 1650-1800 fps range might be nice. Even the heavy hunting cast loads whack pretty hard.  Lighter loads would be much easier on the gun as well.  I think that's where Ken Waters was going with his mild cast bullet loads.  A 200-220 cast bullet, while having more whomp on the shoulder than a 180-190, might be better on the target and better for light big game with those sub 1800 velocities.
 Also, the different bullet weights hit way different on the target with one sight setting. So its real tempting to find one bullet weight and one load if you don't like all the work resighting your gun.
Cases stretch a lot especially with full power loads.  I think  I'll try to be more careful to record the number of trims and use new brass for hunting.  Another argument for using mild loads if you want to plink with this gun.  Also plan to discard brass after 4-5 ?? trims or at least keep a very close eye on the case stretch and potential head separation.
A new butt stock with recoil pad would be real nice.
Its not too hard to nearly match jacketed velocities with same weight cast bullets, especially in the heavy bullets - and my barrel doesn't seem to be leading up much.
NRA Life

liberal Justice Hugo Black said, and I quote: "There are 'absolutes' in our Bill of Rights, and they were put there on purpose by men who knew what words meant and meant their prohibitions to be 'absolutes.'" End quote. From a recent article by Wayne LaPierre NRA

Offline Ct Kid

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anyone handload for 348 win
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2004, 11:07:48 AM »
Lots of info. Thanks .