when i had the barrel built,to save a few bucks, i had a shotgun contour turned and since i already had a shotgun forearm i had the barrel set up with shotgun style mounting.for the shotgun they use dovetailed nuts set into the bottom of the barrel.after 8 rounds these nuts shattered leaving me holding a forearm in one hand and the rest of the rifle in the other.i had figured since it was strong enough mounting for magnum shotgun loads it would be ok for what i was doing.well anyway,it was sunday i e-mailed steve at vv.,mon. no response,so i called left a message on both steve and jeffs voice mail,no return call for like a week.i e-mailed again,nothing.in the meen time i stole the two nuts from my t/c shotgun barrel and put them in.90 or so rounds later they are still fine.
anyway after finally getting ahold of vv jeff the tech told me it was prob a hardness issue meaning the nuts where hard/brittle.ok so how about making good on it.i hadn't told them i was using the t/c nuts because for the $535 i paid for the damn barrel i wanted at least two more nuts.i was told that they would heat treat two nuts and send them to me free!wow nice guys huh.2 months later after repeated calls and e-mails i finally got them.they are now in a bag upstairs in my gun room.i replaced the ones on the shotgun barrel with 2 from t/c that i received in 4 days.i am sure that if i hadn't been persistant they{vv} would have never bothered to send them to me.so much for service after the sale.the barrel itself is great, good accuracy and it came exactly as i wanted ,just left a bad taste in my mouth about their service.sorry so long winded,shawn