Author Topic: Passed on a 4-point Saturday  (Read 396 times)

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Offline Carroll B

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Passed on a 4-point Saturday
« on: December 05, 2004, 11:18:07 AM »
Was hunting with my son.  Three does came down the trail I was overlooking.  They winded me about 25 yards away just before coming over the hill behind me so I can get a shot. They run back up the trail about 75 yards, turned and started towards my son's stand.  He shoots and I hear the deer go about 75 yards and drop.  I call him on the radio to congratulate him.  He answers me and then shoots again.  Another deer goes about 50 yards and drops. (You're allowed 7 or more deer in my county.)  We stay in our stands and about 30 minutes a 4-point comes down the same trail and just before I have a clear shot he turns towards my son's stand. He sees my son and stops in a thicket about 40 yards from me. I have the gun cocked, H&R slug gun, and the deer in my cross-hairs but there is a lot of brush and small trees bewteen us.  I'm hoping he will walk another 8 feet and I'll have a clear shot.  Instead he spooks after watching my son for 30 seconds and runs away.  If I had it to do again I would have probably pulled the trigger and hoped for the best.  My son had this one in his scope and was waiting for me to shoot.  One of his does dressed at 105 and the second one at 90.  Good size for the area we hunt.  The one doe was missing a patch of hair about 4 inches in diameter on her side.  After cleaning her we found she had a broken rib at that spot, probably from being hit by a car.
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Offline marylandeer

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Passed on a 4-point Saturday
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2004, 12:00:22 PM »
Congrats to you and your son. It must have been awsome to watch your boy bang two of them. My youngest son (7 years old) is into hunting but only squirrel so far. I just can't wait until he is ready to go deer hunting with me. To see him get his first deer will be better than any I have ever taken.
Good luck to ya guys for the rest of season. I have two does and and a spike so far.

Offline JPSaxMan

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Passed on a 4-point Saturday
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2004, 03:00:29 PM »
Nice. But keep this in mind, I have a friend at hunting camp this weekend who missed a nice 8 point w/ a .270; 140 grain bullets @ 75-100 yds due to the brush that was around. Kinda risky...still your call. Congrats and take care!  :D

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Doctor: Did you actually pass the bar exam?

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