Hey All, I stumbled across this board the other day. Looks like a great bunch of people. I've been building cannons and mortars for only a couple of years now. I have built a couple of golf ball mortars, a 1/3 scale 24 pound howitzer(1 11/16 bore :grin: ), a 1/4 scale mountian howitzer, a 3/4 scale mountian howitzer barrel(with 2.5" bore, carriage in progress) and a Bowling ball Mortar. The bowling ball mortar is a hoot! Mine is a bit heaver than the ones I've seen here. The bit over 1/4" tube didn't seem good enough so I went with 2" wall tubing and welded a 2" slug vee'd out to get 100% weld. The barrel alone weighs 289 pounds. I haven't weighed the whole thing yet. I'll try to get some pictures posted in a few days. Keep up the great work,