Hi all,
I'm curious if you all can help me with a rookie reloading question. My father does all the reloading in the family, but he's never reloaded for TC's before. We have several reloading books that list safe loads for the TC's and Rugers in .45 colt, but does the longer barrel lengths of TC's require you to back down the loads at all? Does a 14 to 16" contendor barrel add pressure to loads or anything else we should know about or can you load .45's as hot in TC's as you can in 7.5" barreled Ruger's? I'm looking to get a 15" .45 barrel, so I'm curious and don't want to blow myself up! We primarily use Win 296 powder and JHP bullets. Anyone with experience on this chime in. Also, how much recoil difference is there between light (225gr.) bullets and heavy (325gr.) bullets in the longer barrels? For my own curiosity, can either .451 or .452 bullet diameters be used safely?